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Chess Game Rules in Tamil PDF: Everything You Need to Know about Chess


Chess game rules in Tamil PDF download

Chess is a fascinating and challenging board game that has been played for centuries. It is a game of strategy, logic, and skill that can improve your mental abilities and creativity. Chess is also a great way to have fun and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

If you are interested in learning chess or improving your skills, you might want to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF. This is a handy and convenient way to access the rules of chess in your native language. You can read them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, or print them out for reference. You can also share them with your friends and family who want to learn chess with you.

chess game rules in tamil pdf download

In this article, we will show you how to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF, and explain the basic and special rules of chess in Tamil. We will also provide you with some useful resources and tips to help you enjoy the game of chess more. Let's get started!


What is chess and why is it popular?

Chess is a two-player board game that involves moving different types of pieces on a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces have different shapes, sizes, and movements, and each player tries to capture the opponent's king by putting it in checkmate.

Chess is popular because it is a game of infinite possibilities and variations. There are more possible chess moves than atoms in the observable universe, according to some estimates. Chess is also a game of skill and intelligence, where you have to plan ahead, calculate, and anticipate your opponent's moves. Chess can help you develop your memory, concentration, logic, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

Chess is also a game of culture and history. It originated in India around the 6th century AD, and spread to Persia, Arabia, Europe, and the rest of the world. Chess has been played by many famous people throughout history, such as kings, queens, generals, philosophers, scientists, artists, writers, and celebrities. Chess has also inspired many works of art, literature, music, film, and sport.

How to download chess game rules in Tamil PDF?

If you want to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to this link: [Chess game rules in Tamil PDF](^5^)

  • Click on the "Download" button on the top right corner of the page.

  • Choose the location where you want to save the file on your device.

  • Open the file with any PDF reader or viewer.

  • Enjoy reading the chess game rules in Tamil!

You can also download other versions of the chess game rules in Tamil from these links:

  • [Rules of chess in Tamil Wikipedia](^1^)

  • [How to play chess in Tamil for beginners - YouTube](^2^)

  • [Chess basics for beginners in Tamil - Udemy](^3^)

Chess game rules in Tamil

Basic rules of chess

Chess board and pieces

The chess board is a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors: white and black. The board is placed between the two players, with a white square on the bottom right corner of each player. The board is divided into eight rows (called ranks) and eight columns (called files). The squares are labeled with coordinates, such as a1, b2, c3, etc. The horizontal rows are numbered from 1 to 8, starting from the bottom of the board. The vertical columns are labeled from a to h, starting from the left of the board.

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How to stalemate chess game rules in tamil pdf

The chess pieces are divided into two sets: white and black. Each set has one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces are placed on the board as shown in the figure below:

The king is the most important piece in chess. It can move one square in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The king cannot move to a square that is attacked by an enemy piece. The king is represented by a crown symbol.

The queen is the most powerful piece in chess. It can move any number of squares in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The queen can capture any enemy piece that it reaches. The queen is represented by a star symbol.

The rook is a strong piece in chess. It can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically. The rook can capture any enemy piece that it reaches. The rook is represented by a tower symbol.

The bishop is a fast piece in chess. It can move any number of squares diagonally. The bishop can capture any enemy piece that it reaches. The bishop is represented by a cross symbol.

The knight is a tricky piece in chess. It can move two squares horizontally and one square vertically, or two squares vertically and one square horizontally. The knight can jump over other pieces and capture the enemy piece on its destination square. The knight is represented by a horse symbol.

The pawn is the most numerous piece in chess. It can move one square forward, or two squares forward on its first move. The pawn can capture an enemy piece that is one square diagonally ahead of it. The pawn cannot move backward or sideways. The pawn is represented by a circle symbol.

Chess moves and notation

A chess move consists of moving one of your pieces to another square on the board, according to the rules of each piece. You can also capture an enemy piece by moving your piece to the square occupied by the enemy piece and removing it from the board.

Each chess move is recorded using a standard notation system called algebraic notation. This system uses the coordinates of the squares and the symbols of the pieces to describe each move. For example, e4 means moving a piece to the square e4, Nf3 means moving a knight to the square f3, Qxd5 means moving a queen to the square d5 and capturing an enemy piece there.

Some special moves have additional notation symbols:

  • + means check, which means your move attacks the enemy king and he has to escape.

  • ++ or # means checkmate, which means your move attacks the enemy king and he has no escape.

  • O-O means castling kingside, which means moving your king two squares to the right and moving your rook from the right corner to the square next to your king.

  • O-O-O means castling queenside, which means moving your king two squares to the left and moving your rook from the left corner to the square next to your king.

  • =Q means pawn promotion to queen, which means moving your pawn to the last rank and replacing it with a queen.

  • e.p. means en passant, which means capturing an enemy pawn that moved two squares forward on its first move by moving your pawn to the square behind it.

Chess objectives and outcomes

The main objective of chess is to checkmate the enemy king, which means putting him in a position where he cannot avoid being captured on the next move. If you checkmate your opponent, you win the game.

There are also other possible outcomes of a chess game, such as:

Draw, which means the game ends in a tie. This can happen for several reasons, such as:

  • Both players agree to a draw by mutual consent.

  • There is no legal move for the player to make, but his king is not in check. This is called stalemate.

  • The same position occurs three times with the same player to move. This is called threefold repetition.

  • There are no possible checkmates for either player with any series of legal moves. This is called insufficient material.

  • Fifty moves have been made by both players without any pawn move or capture. This is called the fifty-move rule.

  • Resignation, which means one player gives up and admits defeat. This can happen at any time during the game, usually when the player is in a hopeless position.

Forfeit, which means one player loses the game due to breaking the rules or not showing up. This can happen for various reasons, such as:

  • Making an illegal move or touching a piece without moving it. This is called touch-move rule.

  • Not making a move within the allotted time. This is called time control.

  • Using any external help or device, such as a book, a computer, or a phone. This is called cheating.

Special rules of chess


Castling is a special move that allows you to move your king and one of your rooks at the same time. Castling can help you protect your king from attacks and activate your rook for offense.

To castle, you must meet these conditions:

  • Your king and the rook you want to castle with must not have moved before.

  • There must be no pieces between your king and the rook you want to castle with.

  • Your king must not be in check, or move through a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.

To castle kingside, you move your king two squares to the right and place your rook on the square next to your king on the left. To castle queenside, you move your king two squares to the left and place your rook on the square next to your king on the right. See the figure below for an example:

En passant

En passant is a special move that allows you to capture an enemy pawn that moved two squares forward on its first move, by moving your pawn to the square behind it. En passant can help you prevent your opponent from advancing his pawn and creating a strong position.

To en passant, you must meet these conditions:

  • Your pawn must be on the fifth rank (for white) or the fourth rank (for black).

  • The enemy pawn must have moved two squares forward on its first move, landing next to your pawn.

  • You must capture the enemy pawn on the next move, or you lose the chance to do so.

To en passant, you move your pawn diagonally to the square behind the enemy pawn, and remove the enemy pawn from the board. See the figure below for an example:

Pawn promotion

Pawn promotion is a special move that allows you to replace your pawn with another piece of your choice when it reaches the last rank (the eighth rank for white or the first rank for black). Pawn promotion can help you gain an advantage in material and create more threats to your opponent.

To pawn promotion, you must meet these conditions:

  • Your pawn must reach the last rank of the board.

  • You must choose one of these pieces to replace your pawn: queen, rook, bishop, or knight. You cannot choose another king or another pawn.

  • You can choose any piece regardless of how many pieces of that type you already have on the board.

To pawn promotion, you move your pawn to the last rank and replace it with the piece of your choice. You can capture an enemy piece on the last rank with your pawn before promoting it. See the figure below for an example:

Check and checkmate

Check is a situation where your king is under attack by an enemy piece. You must get out of check by one of these ways:

  • Move your king to a safe square.

  • Capture the enemy piece that is checking your king.

  • Block the check with another piece.

If you cannot get out of check by any of these ways, you are in checkmate and you lose the game. Checkmate is the ultimate goal of chess, and it means that your king is trapped and cannot escape capture. See the figure below for an example:

Draw and stalemate

Draw is a situation where the game ends in a tie, and neither player wins or loses. There are several ways to achieve a draw, such as:

  • Both players agree to a draw by mutual consent.

  • There is no legal move for the player to make, but his king is not in check. This is called stalemate, and it usually happens when one player has only his king left and the other player has insufficient material to checkmate him.

  • The same position occurs three times with the same player to move. This is called threefold repetition, and it usually happens when both players repeat the same moves over and over.

  • There are no possible checkmates for either player with any series of legal moves. This is called insufficient material, and it usually happens when both players have only their kings left, or one player has only his king and a bishop or a knight left.

  • Fifty moves have been made by both players without any pawn move or capture. This is called the fifty-move rule, and it usually happens when both players have a lot of pieces left but cannot make any progress.

See the figure below for an example of stalemate:


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have shown you how to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF, and explained the basic and special rules of chess in Tamil. We have also provided you with some useful resources and tips to help you enjoy the game of chess more.

Chess is a wonderful game that can enrich your life in many ways. It can improve your mental skills, stimulate your creativity, enhance your culture, and bring you joy and satisfaction. Chess is also a game that can be played by anyone, anywhere, anytime. All you need is a board, some pieces, and a willing opponent.

Call to action and resources

If you are ready to start playing chess or improve your skills, we invite you to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF from this link: [Chess game rules in Tamil PDF]. You can also check out these other resources for more information and guidance:

  • [Rules of chess in Tamil Wikipedia] - A comprehensive article that covers all the aspects of chess in Tamil.

  • [How to play chess in Tamil for beginners - YouTube] - A video series that teaches you the basics of chess in Tamil step by step.

  • [Chess basics for beginners in Tamil - Udemy] - An online course that helps you learn chess from scratch in Tamil.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy chess playing!


  • What are the benefits of playing chess?

Playing chess can have many benefits for your brain, such as improving your memory, concentration, logic, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Playing chess can also help you reduce stress, increase self-confidence, and develop social skills.

  • How can I improve my chess skills?

You can improve your chess skills by practicing regularly, studying the rules and strategies of chess, analyzing your games and mistakes, solving puzzles and exercises, reading books and articles, watching videos and tutorials, taking online courses or lessons, joining clubs and tournaments, and playing with stronger players.

  • What are some common chess terms in Tamil?

Some common chess terms in Tamil are:

  • Chess - சதரங்கம் Board - பலக

  • Piece - தண்ட

  • King - ரஜ

  • Queen - ரண

  • Rook - தர்

  • Bishop - கதர

  • Knight - யன

  • Pawn - கள்

  • Move - நகர்த்த

  • Capture - பட

  • Check - சக்

  • Checkmate - சக்மட்

  • Draw - சம

  • Stalemate - சய்யமடயத

  • Castling - கட்ட

  • En passant - என் பசன்

  • Pawn promotion - கள் மம்படத்த

  • Where can I play chess online in Tamil?

You can play chess online in Tamil on these websites:

  • [] - A popular and user-friendly website that offers free and premium membership, online and offline games, puzzles, lessons, articles, videos, forums, and more. You can choose Tamil as your language option in the settings.

  • [] - A free and open-source website that offers online and offline games, puzzles, tournaments, analysis, study, coaching, and more. You can choose Tamil as your language option in the settings.

  • [] - A premium website that offers online and offline games, puzzles, tournaments, analysis, commentary, news, videos, books, and more. You can choose Tamil as your language option in the settings.

  • Who are some famous chess players from Tamil Nadu?

Some famous chess players from Tamil Nadu are:

  • [Viswanathan Anand] - The former world chess champion and one of the greatest players of all time. He has won five world titles, six Chess Oscars, and numerous tournaments. He is also known for his speed, versatility, and sportsmanship.

  • [Pentala Harikrishna] - The second-highest rated Indian chess player and a regular participant in elite events. He has won the World Junior Chess Championship, the Asian Chess Championship, and the Tata Steel Chess India Rapid.

  • [Krishnan Sasikiran] - The third-highest rated Indian chess player and a four-time Indian national champion. He has won the Asian Individual Chess Championship, the Aeroflot Open, and the Politiken Cup.

  • How can I learn chess openings in Tamil?

You can learn chess openings in Tamil by using these resources:

  • [Chess openings for beginners in Tamil - YouTube] - A video playlist that teaches you the basic principles and common variations of chess openings in Tamil.

  • [Chess openings database in Tamil] - A website that allows you to search and explore different chess openings in Tamil with names, moves, statistics, and examples.

  • [Chess opening trainer in Tamil] - An app that helps you practice and memorize chess openings in Tamil with quizzes, puzzles, and feedback.

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Chess is a fascinating and challenging board game that has been played for centuries. It is a game of strategy, logic, and skill that can improve your mental abilities and creativity. Chess is also a great way to have fun and connect with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

If you are interested in learning chess or improving your skills, you might want to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF. This is a handy and convenient way to access the rules of chess in your native language. You can read them on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, or print them out for reference. You can also share them with your friends and family who want to learn chess with you.

In this article, we will show you how to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF, and explain the basic and special rules of chess in Tamil. We will also provide you with some useful resources and tips to help you enjoy the game of chess more. Let's get started!


What is chess and why is it popular?

Chess is a two-player board game that involves moving different types of pieces on a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces have different shapes, sizes, and movements, and each player tries to capture the opponent's king by putting it in checkmate.

Chess is popular because it is a game of infinite possibilities and variations. There are more possible chess moves than atoms in the observable universe, according to some estimates. Chess is also a game of skill and intelligence, where you have to plan ahead, calculate, and anticipate your opponent's moves. Chess can help you develop your memory, concentration, logic, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

Chess is also a game of culture and history. It originated in India around the 6th century AD, and spread to Persia, Arabia, Europe, and the rest of the world. Chess has been played by many famous people throughout history, such as kings, queens, generals, philosophers, scientists, artists, writers, and celebrities. Chess has also inspired many works of art, literature, music, film, and sport.

How to download chess game rules in Tamil PDF?

If you want to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to this link: [Chess game rules in Tamil PDF]

  • Click on the "Download" button on the top right corner of the page.

  • Choose the location where you want to save the file on your device.

  • Open the file with any PDF reader or viewer.

  • Enjoy reading the chess game rules in Tamil!

You can also download other versions of the chess game rules in Tamil from these links:

  • [Rules of chess in Tamil Wikipedia]

  • [How to play chess in Tamil for beginners - YouTube]

  • [Chess basics for beginners in Tamil - Udemy]

Chess game rules in Tamil

Basic rules of chess

Chess board and pieces

The chess board is a square board with 64 squares of alternating colors: white and black. The board is placed between the two players, with a white square on the bottom right corner of each player. The board is divided into eight rows (called ranks) and eight columns (called files). The squares are labeled with coordinates, such as a1, b2, c3, etc. The horizontal rows are numbered from 1 to 8, starting from the bottom of the board. The vertical columns are labeled from a to h, starting from the left of the board.

The chess pieces are divided into two sets: white and black. Each set has one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces are placed on the board as shown in the figure below:

The king is the most important piece in chess. It can move one square in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The king cannot move to a square that is attacked by an enemy piece. The king is represented by a crown symbol.

The queen is Castling

Castling is a special move that allows you to move your king and one of your rooks at the same time. Castling can help you protect your king from attacks and activate your rook for offense.

To castle, you must meet these conditions:

  • Your king and the rook you want to castle with must not have moved before.

  • There must be no pieces between your king and the rook you want to castle with.

  • Your king must not be in check, or move through a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.

To castle kingside, you move your king two squares to the right and place your rook on the square next to your king on the left. To castle queenside, you move your king two squares to the left and place your rook on the square next to your king on the right. See the figure below for an example:

En passant

En passant is a special move that allows you to capture an enemy pawn that moved two squares forward on its first move, by moving your pawn to the square behind it. En passant can help you prevent your opponent from advancing his pawn and creating a strong position.

To en passant, you must meet these conditions:

  • Your pawn must be on the fifth rank (for white) or the fourth rank (for black).

  • The enemy pawn must have moved two squares forward on its first move, landing next to your pawn.

  • You must capture the enemy pawn on the next move, or you lose the chance to do so.

To en passant, you move your pawn diagonally to the square behind the enemy pawn, and remove the enemy pawn from the board. See the figure below for an example:

Pawn promotion

Pawn promotion is a special move that allows you to replace your pawn with another piece of your choice when it reaches the last rank (the eighth rank for white or the first rank for black). Pawn promotion can help you gain an advantage in material and create more threats to your opponent.

To pawn promotion, you must meet these conditions:

  • Your pawn must reach the last rank of the board.

  • You must choose one of these pieces to replace your pawn: queen, rook, bishop, or knight. You cannot choose another king or another pawn.

  • You can choose any piece regardless of how many pieces of that type you already have on the board.

To pawn promotion, you move your pawn to the last rank and replace it with the piece of your choice. You can capture an enemy piece on the last rank with your pawn before promoting it. See the figure below for an example:

Check and checkmate

Check is a situation where your king is under attack by an enemy piece. You must get out of check by one of these ways:

  • Move your king to a safe square.

  • Capture the enemy piece that is checking your king.

  • Block the check with another piece.

If you cannot get out of check by any of these ways, you are in checkmate and you lose the game. Checkmate is the ultimate goal of chess, and it means that your king is trapped and cannot escape capture. See the figure below for an example:

Draw and stalemate

Draw is a situation where the game ends in a tie, and neither player wins or loses. There are several ways to achieve a draw, such as:

  • Both players agree to a draw by mutual consent.

  • There is no legal move for the player to make, but his king is not in check. This is called stalemate, and it usually happens when one player has only his king left and the other player has insufficient material to checkmate him.

  • The same position occurs three times with the same player to move. This is called threefold repetition, and it usually happens when both players repeat the same moves over and over.

  • There are no possible checkmates for either player with any series of legal moves. This is called insufficient material, and it usually happens when both players have only their kings left, or one player has only his king and a bishop or a knight left.

  • Fifty moves have been made by both players without any pawn move or capture. This is called the fifty-move rule, and it usually happens when both players have a lot of pieces left but cannot make any progress.

See the figure below for an example of stalemate:


Summary of the main points

In this article, we have shown you how to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF, and explained the basic and special rules of chess in Tamil. We have also provided you with some useful resources and tips to help you enjoy the game of chess more.

Chess is a wonderful game that can enrich your life in many ways. It can improve your mental skills, stimulate your creativity, enhance your culture, and bring you joy and satisfaction. Chess is also a game that can be played by anyone, anywhere, anytime. All you need is a board, some pieces, and a willing opponent.

Call to action and resources

If you are ready to start playing chess or improve your skills, we invite you to download the chess game rules in Tamil PDF from this link: [Chess game rules in Tamil PDF]. You can also check out these other resources for more information and guidance:

  • [Rules of chess in Tamil Wikipedia] - A comprehensive article that covers all the aspects of chess in Tamil.

  • [How to play chess in Tamil for beginners - YouTube] - A video series that teaches you the basics of chess in Tamil step by step.

  • [Chess basics for beginners in Tamil - Udemy] - An online course that helps you learn chess from scratch in Tamil.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy chess playing!


  • What are the benefits of playing chess?

Playing chess can have many benefits for your brain, such as improving your memory, concentration, logic, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Playing chess can also help you reduce stress, increase self-confidence, and develop social skills.

  • How can I improve my chess skills?

You can improve your chess skills by practicing regularly, studying the rules and strategies of chess, analyzing your games and mistakes, solving puzzles and exercises, reading books and articles, watching videos and tutorials, taking online courses or lessons, joining clubs and tournaments, and playing with stronger players.

  • What are some common chess terms in Tamil?

Some common chess terms in Tamil are:

  • Chess - சதரங்கம் Board - பலக

  • Piece - தண்ட

  • King - ரஜ

  • Queen - ரண

  • Rook - தர்

  • Bishop - கதர

  • Knight - யன

  • Pawn - கள்

  • Move - நகர்த்த

  • Capture - பட

  • Check - சக்

  • Checkmate - சக்மட்

  • Draw - சம

  • Stalemate - சய்யமடயத

  • Castling - கட்ட

  • En passant - என் பசன்

  • Pawn promotion - கள் மம்படத்த

  • Where can I play chess online in Tamil?

You can play chess online in Tamil on these websites:

  • []( ) - A popular and user-friendly website that offers free and premium membership, online and offline games, puzzles, lessons, articles, videos, forums, and more. You can choose Tamil as your language option in the settings.

  • [] - A free and open-source website that offers online and offline games, puzzles, tournaments, analysis, study, coaching, and more. You can choose Tamil as your language option in the settings.

  • [] - A premium website that offers online and offline games, puzzles, tournaments, analysis, commentary, news, videos, books, and more. You can choose Tamil as your language option in the settings.

  • Who are some famous chess players from Tamil Nadu?

Some famous chess players from Tamil Nadu are:

  • [Viswanathan Anand] - The former world chess champion and one of the greatest players of all time. He has won five world titles, six Chess Oscars, and numerous tournaments. He is also known for his speed, versatility, and sportsmanship.

  • [Pentala Harikrishna] - The second-highest rated Indian chess player and a regular participant in elite events. He has won the World Junior Chess Championship, the Asian Chess Championship, and the Tata Steel Chess India Rapid.

  • [Krishnan Sasikiran] - The third-highest rated Indian chess player and a four-time Indian national champion. He has won the Asian Individual Chess Championship, the Aeroflot Open, and the Politiken Cup.

  • How can I learn chess openings in Tamil?

You can learn chess openings in Tamil by using these resources:

  • [Chess openings for beginners in Tamil - YouTube] - A video playlist that teaches you the basic principles and common variations of chess openings in Tamil.

  • [Chess openings database in Tamil] - A website that allows you to search and explore different chess openings in Tamil with names, moves, statistics, and examples.

  • [Chess opening trainer in Tamil] - An app that helps you practice and memorize chess openings in Tamil with quizzes, puzzles, and feedback.


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